Location: Jakarta – Indonesia
Year: 2020
Visit Website: CUCOINDO
Induk Koperasi Kredit (INKOPDIT) or Credit Union Counselling Office (CUCO Indonesia) is a national secondary Credit Cooperative located in Jakarta that functions as a central national financial service to serve Puskopdit (Credit Cooperative Centers) throughout Indonesia. The background of making a website is to change the entire look of the old website with a new look that is more fresh and responsive so that users get a good experience when accessing the website from a smartphone.
The Problem
The problem faced is that the old website looks unresponsive so it is not comfortable to read when accessed using a smartphone. In addition there are parts of the website that cannot function as they should because old website plugins created using Joomla CMS have not been updated for a long time and are not functioning.
User and Audience
The main target of website users are Cooperatives and Cooperative Members throughout Indonesia and Puskopdit throughout Indonesia. This website also targets to be accessible to the Government, especially the Ministry of Cooperatives and MSMEs of the Republic of Indonesia and other parties associated with them.
My main task is to do Website Development. I am responsible for the website as a whole starting from the back end and front end website. Making banners and slides on the website so that it matches the color standards and design standards of Inkopdit is also my job. In building websites, user experience in accessing websites and presenting copywriting of content is also my focus on building this website.
The scope of my work includes:
- Installing CMS which is the basis of the website, in this case I use CMS WordPress.
- Setting up copywriting on several pages of the website, this is because the data from the old website is no longer relevant to the current conditions so it must be updated.
- Create a banner, header, and slider design on the website so that it matches the color and design standards of Inkopdit.
- Make a website usage guide and hold online meetings to guide operators in operating and managing the website.
Understand the brief
I learn about the brief that Inkopdit gave to me. From the results of the discussions with them, I got important notes about things that I needed to make this website later.
Define the problem and determine the solution to be made
My main task is to rebuild this website, because the old website looks unresponsive, so it doesn’t provide a comfortable reading experience when accessed via a smartphone or tablet. Also on the old website some pages display there is not optimal, because the plugins used on the website do not function properly because it has not been updated for a long time.
Based on the old website and the results of discussions with Inkopdit, then I made a sitemap from the website first, so I know what pages are needed. Here is a website sitemap:
Make Website Images and Supporting Images
I also prepare and create website support images for banner, slider, and featured image posts.
Outcomes and Result
After going through several revisions to adjust the needs of Inkopdit, finally the website is complete. Now the Inkopdit website can be accessed at the address cucoindo.org. The look of the website has been fresher and foremost is the display already responsive.
This is a website screenshot (Desktop View)
This is a website screenshot (Mobile View)
Interested in working together to make designs like this, please ask me via email: ekosalvinus.design@gmail.com . I am happy to help you realize your dream of having the best design.
Tertarik untuk bekerjasama membuat desain seperti ini, silahkan tanya saya di email: ekosalvinus.design@gmail.com . Saya dengan senang hati membantumu mewujudkan impianmu untuk memiliki desain terbaik.