Location : Pontianak – Indonesia
Year : 2019
Visit Website : CU PANCUR KASIH
KSP CREDIT UNION PANCUR KASIH is a Savings and Loan Cooperative that has main services in the form of Savings and Loans. At present the Pancur Kasih Credit Union has 49 service offices and 4 cash service offices in regencies and cities in West Kalimantan Province.
They already have a website before, overall the content and appearance of the old website are good. But in terms of appearance is still not responsive, so it is less convenient if accessed via a smartphone. Why is responsive website appearance important? Because now more websites are accessed via smartphones than through desktops.
The Problem
There are two main problems that I found on their old website, including:
- Older website display is not responsive so it causes an uncomfortable reading experience if accessed via a smartphone. The solution I offer is to use a WordPress CMS with responsive themes
- Products and services are put together on one page. As an example of a Savings product, all stored products are displayed on one page, this tends to make it difficult for readers to find specific savings products because they have to read each of the deposit products on that page. So the solution that I offer is that each product is separated into separate pages.
User and Audience
This website is created with the aim of providing information about the Pancur Kasih Credit Union to the wider community, in order to find out what activities and services are provided by them.
Based on the most traffic data, the targeted visitors are between the ages of 25 to 34 years. Although it does not rule out the possibility of being accessed by users from other ranges.
Role & Responsibility
My main task is to do Website Development. I am responsible for the website as a whole starting from the back end and front end website. The design of the banners and slides on the website so that it matches the color standards and design standards of the Pancur Kasih Credit Union are also my duty. In building websites, user experience in accessing websites and presenting copywriting of content is also my focus on building this website. I am also responsible for data security and doing regular data backups from this website.
The scope of my work includes:
- Installing the CMS that is the basis of the website, in this case, I use CMS WordPress.
- Designing a website page display using page builder, in this case, I use WP Bakery page builder
- Prepare to Copywrite on web pages
- Create a banner, header, and slider design on the website so that it matches the color and design of the Pancur Kasih Credit Union.
- Set up features such as Analytic Website, Chat, Email Subscribe
- Perform routine backups on the website starting from the database and overall website files
- Control the website including website maintenance
Make a sitemap
The first time I made a sitemap of a website that would be made, the point is to find out what pages are needed for the website. Here is a website sitemap:
Install and configure the plugin
For the purposes of the website, then I installed a number of plugins needed including the Analytic plugin, Chat, Email Subscription, and several other plugins needed.
import content from the old website to the new one
Because the old website uses a different CMS than the CMS currently used, news, images, and other contents are transferred to the new website.
Separate products into individual pages
This is the product page display that has been separated by each product.
The results of a responsive website display (Desktop View)
The results of a responsive website display (Mobile View)
Outcomes and Results
After going through several revisions to adjust the needs of the Pancur Kasih Credit Union, the website finally finished. Now the website can be accessed at The look of the website has been fresher and foremost is the display already responsive.
Interested in working together to make designs like this, please ask me via email: I am happy to help you realize your dream of having the best design.
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